
Mulher sobrevive a acidente de avião em Honduras e revela que a aeronave já apresentava problemas

The woman who survived a plane crash in Honduras revealed that the aircraft had issues in messages

A woman who survived a plane crash that killed 12 people in Honduras recalled the… Read More

Power banks estão sendo banidos de companhias aéreas por motivo assustador

Power banks are being banned by airlines due to a frightening reason

The increase in accidents involving lithium batteries on airplanes has led several Asian airlines to… Read More

Veja o vídeo: Marinha de Portugal intercepta submarino com 6,5 toneladas de cocaína

See the video: Portuguese Navy intercepts submarine carrying 6.5 tons of drugs

The Portuguese Judiciary Police and Navy intercepted a submarine carrying 6.5 tons of cocaine. The… Read More

Policial rodoviário do Kansas resgata menina de 6 anos de sequestro após abordagem

Kansas highway patrol officer rescues 6-year-old girl from kidnapping after traffic stop

A Kansas highway patrol officer found a 6-year-old girl who had been kidnapped after stopping… Read More

Motorista da Flórida atropela manifestantes em protesto contra Elon Musk

Florida driver hits protesters during a demonstration against Elon Musk

Protesters demonstrating against Elon Musk in front of a Tesla dealership were hit by a… Read More