
Video Shows Giant Waves Hitting the Coast of Turkey

The district of Tirebolu in Giresun was hit by severe weather conditions as torrential rains… Read More

Video Shows Tense Moment as Turkish Airlines Plane Attempts to Land at Ordu-Giresun Airport

Adverse weather conditions at the Ordu-Giresun airport in Turkey caused disruptions during the landing of… Read More

Video: Giant Waves Destroy Coast of Ukraine and Russia

Ukraine, the south of Russia and the north of Greece were particularly hit by the… Read More

Helicopter Crashes into Water After Performing Dangerous Maneuvers over the Paraná River, Killing One Man

The pilot, Gustavo Deglantoni, 71 years old, died on the spot. Despite the severity of… Read More

Video captures the moment a UFO appears in a TikTok star’s recording

Grace Eleanor Keeling, known as GK Barry, posted a clip on her TikTok account while… Read More