
Video: Cyclist becomes ‘target’ of bird after multiple attacks on the way to work

Alejandro Rios, 25 years old, claims that a bird attacks him day after day on… Read More

Video shows terrorist preparing for the start of the attack in Brussels, Belgium

Video shows Islamic terrorist preparing for the today's attack in the late afternoon in Brussels,… Read More

Video shows the moment when a police officer arrests a woman driving with $2,000 worth of stolen goods

A California police officer arrested a woman for allegedly stealing $2,000 worth of merchandise from… Read More

Influencer records video shortly before dying in an accident: ‘We’re going to die.’

Three people died in a car accident on Serra do Cafubá, in Niterói (RJ-Brazil). One… Read More

Video shows Hamas building rockets using pipes taken from sewage infrastructure

The Palestinian terrorist group Hamas released a video showcasing the manufacturing of rockets based on… Read More