See the video: Portuguese Navy intercepts submarine carrying 6.5 tons of drugs

See the video: Portuguese Navy intercepts submarine carrying 6.5 tons of cocaineSee the video: Portuguese Navy intercepts submarine carrying 6.5 tons of cocaine
Fotos e vídeo: Reprodução Facebook Polícia Judiciária

The Portuguese Judiciary Police and Navy intercepted a submarine carrying 6.5 tons of cocaine. The submersible was manned by three Brazilians, one Colombian, and one Spaniard.

Portuguese authorities released a video of Operation Nautilus, which intercepted a submarine with 6.5 tons of cocaine. The vessel crossed the Atlantic and was found 920 km off the coast of the Azores, a Portuguese territory.

The submarine departed from a region along the Brazilian coast bound for the Iberian Peninsula. Spain’s Civil Guard shared information that a submersible was approaching Portugal.

The national director of the Judiciary Police, Luís Neves, explained that submarines approach the coast so that speedboats can retrieve the drugs and bring them into the country.

“These are built by the cartels, they are manufactured and equipped with advanced technology to allow communication with the organization and to operate at sea,” Neves said at a press conference.

The director also stated that the criminals receive training to operate the equipment. The name of the criminal organization was not disclosed.

+Watch the video of the submarine capture

See the video: Portuguese Navy intercepts submarine carrying 6.5 tons of cocaineSee the video: Portuguese Navy intercepts submarine carrying 6.5 tons of cocaine
Fotos e vídeo: Reprodução Facebook Polícia Judiciária

Fotos e vídeo: Facebook Polícia Judiciária. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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