Video: Mia Khalifa Argues with Israeli Woman at Miami Airport

Video: Mia Khalifa argues with Israeli woman at Miami airport Video: Mia Khalifa argues with an Israeli woman at Miami airport. Twitter @CollinRugg

An heated incident at the Miami airport involving Mia Khalifa, influencer and former adult film actress, drew attention on social media. A video, filmed by Khalifa herself and quickly spreading online, shows a tense discussion between her and an Israeli woman.

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In the video, Khalifa, known for her pro-Hamas statements, employs sarcasm when confronting a Jewish mother with her child. The woman, in response, asserts: “The people of Israel live.”

During the discussion, Khalifa attempts to humiliate the woman, mocking her for owning a car and questioning if the woman was waiting for a bus. When confronted by the Israeli, Mia comments on the woman’s breath.

This incident placed Mia Khalifa among the most talked-about topics on social media, with many users criticizing her behavior.

Last October, Khalifa was dismissed after defending attacks by the Hamas terrorist group against Israel.

She has been vocal in expressing her political opinions on social media. Khalifa, of Lebanese origin, is an outspoken supporter of the Palestinian cause and the violent attacks by the Hamas terrorist group. One of her posts, where she asked soldiers to film the war in a horizontal position, caused online outrage.

Photo and Video: Twitter @CollinRugg
