Video shows men arguing moments before shooting in New York subway

Video shows men arguing moments before shooting in New York subway. Photo: Reproduction Twitter @JoyceMeetsWorld Video shows men arguing moments before shooting in New York subway. Photo: Reproduction Twitter @JoyceMeetsWorld

The video shows the moments leading up to the shooting on a New York subway train heading towards Brooklyn.

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Footage captured the violent confrontation between two men in a Brooklyn subway car – and the panic among passengers after one of the brawlers was shot aboard the train during rush hour on Thursday.

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The video, recorded by a passenger on a northbound A train, corroborated earlier witness accounts shared with the police, showing one man taunting another before at least four shots rang out on the crowded train as it stopped at the A/C Hoyt-Schermerhorn Streets station.

According to police, the assailant, 36, was shot with his own gun when the other man, 32, managed to grab it and open fire.

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But before the shooting, the two strangers brawled for several minutes, while others on the train begged them to stop, noting that there were children aboard.

Police believe the two men were entirely unknown to each other.

It’s unclear whether the shooter will face any charges, with police stating that the “victim appears to be the aggressor”.

NY Governor Kathy Hochul ordered National Guard soldiers to begin patrolling the subway following an uptick in violence.

*Due to the shocking content, the full version of the video is only available on our Telegram channel

Video and photo: Reproduction Twitter @LattinaBrown / @JoyceMeetsWorld
