Video: Storm Daniel killed at least 2,000 people in Libya

Video: Storm Daniel killed at least 2,000 people in Libya. Photo: Screenshot from Telegram
Video: Storm Daniel killed at least 2,000 people in Libya. Photo: Screenshot from Telegram
  • The Red Crescent in Benghazi reported that Storm Daniel killed at least 150 people in the city of Derna in the east of the country.
  • The death toll is expected to rise above 2,000 after water levels in the city surged up to three meters.

The Mediterranean storm Daniel caused devastating floods in Libya, sweeping away entire neighborhoods and destroying homes in several coastal cities in the north African country.

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One of the country’s leaders stated on Monday that around 2,000 people had died on that day.

The confirmed death toll from the weekend floods stood at 61 by Monday night, according to health authorities.

However, this count did not include Derna, which had become inaccessible, and many of the thousands reported missing there were swept away by the waters.

Videos shared on social media show the powerful force of the waters dragging everything in its path.

Source: aljazeera

Video: Telegram

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