니테로이(RJ-브라질)의 세라 도 카푸바에서 차량 사고로 세 사람이 사망했습니다. 피해자 중 한 명은 디지털 인플루언서이자 수의학 학생인 에밀리 미란다로, 20세였으며, 자동차가 오토바이와 충돌하기 직전에 차량 내에서 비디오를 촬영했습니다.
Read MoreAccident
Influencer records video shortly before dying in an accident: ‘We’re going to die.’
Three people died in a car accident on Serra do Cafubá, in Niterói (RJ-Brazil). One of the victims is the digital influencer and veterinary student Emmily Miranda, 20, who recorded a video inside the vehicle shortly before the car collided with a motorcycle.
Read MoreMother of run-over motorcyclist receives bill for accident cleanup where her son died
Josep Boan Rosanes died on August 9, 2020, in a motorcycle accident in the city of Dumbria in the province of La Coruña, Spain. A driver traveling at 130 km/h in a 70 km/h zone caused the accident, which took the life of the 20-year-old motorcycle enthusiast.
Read MoreVidéo : Un avion militaire perd le contrôle et s’écrase sur une voiture sur une route en Italie, une fillette de 5 ans est décédée
Une fillette est décédée dans un accident lors d’un essai de vol en Italie. L’instant choquant a été enregistré en vidéo.
Read MoreVideo: Military plane loses control and crashes onto car on a road, a 5-year-old girl died
A girl died in an accident during a flight rehearsal in Italy. The shocking moment was captured on video.
Read More4 mortos depois que um guindaste caiu durante um festival religoso na Índia
4 pessoas morreram e outras 9 ficaram feridas depois que um guindaste desabou durante um evento do festival do templo em Keelveethi em Arakkonam na Índia. + Maior…
Read More‘A gente vai morrer’, disse estudante em vídeo antes morrer em acidente de carro
Três pessoas morreram em um acidente de carro, na Serra do Cafubá, em Niterói (RJ-Brasil). Uma das vítimas é a influenciadora digital e estudante de veterinária Emmily Miranda,…
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