Video Shows Tense Moment as Turkish Airlines Plane Attempts to Land at Ordu-Giresun Airport

Video shows the tense moment as a Turkish Airlines plane attempts to land at Ordu-Giresun Airport. Photo and video: Twitter @HavaForum
Video shows the tense moment as a Turkish Airlines plane attempts to land at Ordu-Giresun Airport. Photo and video: Twitter @HavaForum

Adverse weather conditions at the Ordu-Giresun airport in Turkey caused disruptions during the landing of a Turkish Airlines plane.

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A Turkish Airlines A320 aircraft struggled to land at the Ordu Giresun Airport (OGU/LTCB) in Turkey due to strong winds.

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The tense moment was captured on camera and went viral on social media.

Aircraft aborted landing due to the storm in the Black Sea region during the period

Photo and video: Twitter @HavaForum

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